Modeling Methods in the Process of Forming Mathematical and Logical Concepts in Preschool Children


  • Gaukhar Djanpeisova Автор
  • Nilufar Mamatqulova Автор


Ключевые слова:

conversation, symbolic modeling, game exercises, interactive game, solving mathematical problems, didactic games, solving problem situations, experimentation, observation, collecting information about the object under study, reflection, preschool organization, development centers, mathematical concepts and competencies, play activities, preschool children, developmental environment.


The article reveals some recommendations for teachers on the use of innovative approaches in working with
students on the formation of logical and creative thinking in children, solving non-standard problems in various fields of
activity. Some didactic approaches to the formation of mathematical concepts and the development of logical thinking in
preschool children are presented. The techniques and technologies for teaching children mathematics using educational
and logic games are revealed, the need for systematic preparation of children for the assimilation of the school mathematics
curriculum is substantiated. The article reveals the features methods of familiarizing preschoolers with the Mobius
strip technology. The possibilities of the Mobius strip technology in the development of intellectual and personal qualities,
the formation of spatial representations on the plane, visual-figurative thinking, attention, and logic are described.

Биографии авторов

  • Gaukhar Djanpeisova

    Associate Professor of the Department of Education, Kokand University

  • Nilufar Mamatqulova

    Qo‘qon Universiteti, magistratura 1-bosqich talabasi



Как цитировать

Modeling Methods in the Process of Forming Mathematical and Logical Concepts in Preschool Children. (2023). MAKTABGACHA VA MAKTAB TA’LIMI JURNALI, 1(2-3).

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